Buzz results for the tag “Global Good”


Global Good’s Manan Shukla, who recently sat down with the African publication Rural Reporters, discusses how invention can address some of the challenges faced by small-scale farmers in the developing world. Read More


For our Behind the Breakthrough this week, we’re profiling Courosh Mehanian, a Principal Research Scientist at Global Good and the Intellectual Ventures Laboratory. Read More

Press Releases

Deal makes AI ShieldTM globally available, increases impact of artificial insemination efforts and increases overall local market growth for cattle farmers. Read More


Arty Makagon, Technical Project Lead for Photonic Fence – IV's laser-based, mosquito-killing technology – discusses the role lasers could play in limiting the spread of Zika and other pathogens spread by flying insects. Read More

Media Coverage

IV's photonic fence technology is cited in a globally syndicated story on the Zika outbreak as “one of many potential interventions in a broader strategy to address the virus."

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